Abbreviations Used in Military Documents and for Medal Inscriptions - Abbreviations: Y/Z


Y & LR, YORK & LANC R, Y & L York and Lancaster Regiment
Ydepot Overseas Transit Depot
Yeo Yeoman, Yeomanry
YEO OF SIG, YeoSigs, YS Yeoman of Signals
YFB Ferryboat
YFORCE Kingston, Jamaica Forces, British West Indies
YH Yorkshire Hussars (Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own)
YISMHRCAMC York Island Station Military Hospital Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
YL "Y" List
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
YMHRCAMC Yarmouth Military Hospital Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
YMS Y Class Minesweeper or Minesweeper (Motor) (US)
YN Boom Defence Vessel
YOC Young Officers Company
YORK DNS, YorkDns, YORK D Yorkshire Dragoons
YORK HRS, YORK H, YorkHrs Yorkshire Hussars
YORK R, YORKS Yorkshire Regiment
YORKS LJ Yorkshire Light Infantry
YS Young Soldier, Yeoman of Signals, Yugoslavian Ship
YT Yukon Territory
YTEP Youth Training Employment Program



Z, GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ZADK Zuid Afrikaansche Dien Korps
ZAI Zuid Afrikaansche Infanterie
ZAMK Zuid Afrikaansche Mediese Korps
ZANZIBAR CC Zanzibar Carrier Corps
ZANZIBAR LF Zanzibar Local Forces
ZAVA Zuid Afrikaansche Veldt Artillerie
ZAVR Zuid Afrikaansche Veteran Regiment
ZAZA Zuid Afrikaansche Zwaar Artillerie
ZFORCE Iceland
ZG Panama-Guantanamo convoy
ZION MULE C Zion Mule Corps
ZL POLICE Zhob Levy Police
ZM Zhob Militia
ZOUTPB'G CDO Zoutpausberg Commando